Saturday 22 April 2017

You want to see how raising your client’s target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) might affect his ad performance. Which tool could help?

Dustin wants to write a great text ad that will get people's attention when they're searching on Google. What should he do to generate the most clicks?

The owners of a coffeehouse would like to run an "afternoon espresso" promotion to increase sales on weekdays. Which AdWords feature would be most effective for preventing their search ads from appearing at night and on weekends?

According to 2015 Google Trends data, which term would consumers on mobile phones be most likely to type in a search engine?

Roxanne’s online estate-jewelry sales are lagging despite running a great text ad. What else might she do to drive sales?

You have a maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid of US$2 for a keyword. To determine the prospective impact of raising this bid to US$3, you could use?

Yoon, who sells designer jeans, has a mobile app to help women determine what leg style looks best on their body type. What could she do to bring in more prospective customers?

An advertiser wants to improve the position of ads on Google but isn't willing to raise bids. What else could increase Ad Rank?

You manage the campaigns for a client that runs a wine tour business in Florence. The ads have stopped showing on Google. If the budget is limited, what might help make sure the ads show?

If you want to target ads to only people who speak Spanish, you can?

Nick sells 5 flavors of gourmet popcorn. Why is he bundling ads for his best-selling flavor, “Sweet & spicy coconut,” with related keywords like “coconut snacks” in a single ad group?

Which is a best practice for writing an effective text ad?

One factor the AdWords system uses to calculate an ad's actual cost-per-click (CPC) is the?

The AdWords Application Programming Interface (API) allows developers to use applications that?

How might you explain to an account manager why she should identify how much a conversion costs when setting up conversion tracking for a client's Search Network campaign?

How does target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding determine the optimal cost-per-click (CPC) bid?

True or false: Adding an extension to a text ad improves an advertiser’s Quality Score?

You sell chocolate and want to tailor your text ads so they more directly match people’s search terms, like “dark chocolate.” You use keyword insertion code “We sell {KeyWord:Chocolate}”. Your headline could look like this?

You have a friend starting her first AdWords campaign. What would you suggest about how to choose keywords?

To optimize a client's campaign to get the most out of her mobile advertising, you can?

You can use target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding to help?

Which lets you change keywords, campaigns, ads, ad groups, and product groups?

Someone searches on "laptop computers" and clicks an ad. Which landing page would be most relevant?

Search terms report data shows that people who click on ads promoting your prescription glasses were searching for terms like "wine glasses" and "drinking glasses." Which might you add as negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing on such searches?

Which option can you use to capture potential business later in the day, even on a limited budget?

An advertiser implements target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding and notices that the campaigns are receiving fewer conversions. What could help increase the number of conversions?

A successful AdWords text ad?

An advertiser targeting only France determines that clicks have been received from people in Switzerland. Why might this happen?

Which ad rotation setting shows all ads in an ad group, even those with a lower clickthrough or conversion rate?

According to Google data, among consumers who conduct a local search on their smartphone, how many then visit a store within a day?

An advertiser who works for a large company wants to make frequent, specific changes to bids based on criteria for more than 100,000 keywords. Which would be the most efficient tool for that advertiser to use?

The automated "Maximize clicks" bid strategy attempts to get advertisers the most?

”Mobile app engagement” campaigns can be used to?

How would you explain the importance of ad impressions to a client who's concerned that her Search Network campaign is generating impressions but no clicks?

A client is asking you why he should evaluate the number of clicks on his search ads relative to the number of impressions received. What should you tell him?

Megan enabled target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding in all 6 of her campaigns. How can she tell if it’s improving her campaign performance?

Jonathan, who has a Bay Area sailing excursion business, notices that his text ads show below a competitor’s in search results when people enter keywords like “sailing excursions on San Francisco Bay.” Which automated bid strategy could help him attain the top position?

To create a customer experience that’s relevant and useful at every touch point, a search advertiser should focus on?

Which statement is true?

The majority of consumers want ads customized to their?

Each of these are benfits you’d expect from Shopping ads except?

Dynamic search ads would be most helpful for?

Why would the data for a Search Network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions?

Drew is selling math textbooks and using cost-per-click (CPC) bidding for his campaign. What’s the final cost each time his ad is clicked?

An advertiser who uses ad scheduling has a custom bid adjustment for 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. on weeknights. The normal bid is US$0.40 and the bid multiplier is -25%. How much is the advertiser bidding for that time period?

If your campaign’s daily budget is US$20, how much of your budget can be spent to show your ads on certain days, based on fluctuations in traffic?

Which is a best practice for optimizing a landing page for AdWords?

The keyword insertion code in an ad's headline is "Buy {KeyWord:Books}." The ad appears when someone searches on "flower books" and the query matches a broad match keyword, "gardening books." How would the headline read?

What information does a target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid strategy need in order to find the optimal cost-per-click (CPC) bid for an ad each time it's eligible to appear?

You’re using target search page?location bidding. You know it’s working because you see your ad:

According to Google data, after seeing an ad on their smartphone, more than half of people?

Return on investment (ROI) information can help you manage a client's campaign by helping you determine how to?

Zoe has a website selling customizable electronic greeting cards. What could be interfering with her getting the most possible conversions?

You have a budget of US$75 per day for your client’s Search campaign, and you’d like to set a maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid of US$1. How can you validate that this is the right bid amount for getting the most clicks?

If an advertiser has the same keyword in 2 different ad groups, the one entered in a given auction will have the:?

An advertiser enables target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding and notices that conversions decrease. What might cause this?

Data shows that your client's ad that appears to people in San Francisco gets 120 conversions at a cost of US$1200 and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) of US$10, while ads showing in Houston get 70 conversions at a cost of US$1400 and CPA of US$20. If you have a CPA goal of US$12, what bid adjustment would you set for each location?

Which of these statements is true?

You have an online electronics business and you’ve set up an ad group for digital cameras. What keywords could make this ad group as effective as possible?

You manage the campaigns for a baby stroller manufacturer that sells its products online and through large retailers. To calculate the total profits from these campaigns, you should?

A furniture store owner is creating her first AdWords campaign. What's the best way to group her products?

An advertiser makes edits to an ad and notices that its position is lower than that of the previous version. What’s the most likely cause?

You might analyze exact match impression share data to get an idea of?

AdWords Editor lets users do all of these things except?

You have a food truck and want to reach people who are nearby on their mobile phones. Your maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid is US$1. You set a mobile bid adjustment of +20% and a location bid adjustment of +50%. What's the final bid amount?

Which is a best practice for creating a mobile-preferred ad?

Maria would like to target people who’ve already browsed her online clothing boutique by offering them a 10% discount on their first purchase. What tool should she use to reach these people on the Search Network?

Which statement about ad extensions isn’t true?

Chanara, a senior account manager at a large digital agency, likes having an AdWords manager account. What can she do with a manager account that she can't do with an individual account?

After searching for shoes, Sean clicks on an ad promoting a sale on sneakers, which has several pop-ups. What should the advertiser do to improve Sean’s experience?

Your client sells gardening supplies online. You suggest she use sitelinks because they can?

You're working on the bidding strategy for a Search Network campaign. If the cost-per-conversion for mobile is lower than for desktop, how might you optimize the bidding strategy to increase the number of conversions?

Hannah is having a sale. In her ads, she wants to include the amount of time left in the sale. What’s the best way to do this?

The format of a Shopping ad is different from that of a standard text ad in that it includes?

You own a pet-supply store with various category pages on your website, and you’ve set up a tracking template so you can manage tracking and redirect information. Your final URL for the keyword “dog treats” could be something like?

Customers who want to increase app downloads should use which campaign type?

You can add a “+” modifier in front of the words in a broad match keyword to?

You're the account manager for a client who wants to increase reservations at her boutique hotel. You've been manually managing the bids for her campaigns, and you’re looking for ways to save time and optimize. How can you most effectively do this?

The straegic use of different marketing channels affects?

Obi added a sitelink extension to her text ad and and wants it to show as often as possible. What’s the best way to achieve this?

You own a bed and breakfast in southern France and want to target English-speaking tourists looking for accommodations after they’ve arrived in France. What language and location should you target?

A new client wants to promote his 3 Indian restaurants, in different areas of London, to people searching for places to eat. How might you organize his account?

Which is a best practice for writing an effective text ad?

If you want to prioritize downloads of your mobile app instead of visits to your mobile site, you should?

Sarah manages 2 AdWords accounts for a client. Which tool would she use to search and replace a group of keywords across several ad groups?

Which conversion metric can give you more insight into how your ads drive conversions on mobile phones, computers, and tablets?

Based on AdWords editorial and professional requirements, which headline is most likely to generate clicks?

Which allows advertisers to automate AdWords reporting and campaign management?

If you're currently using text, display, and video ads but also want to more specifically control spending on ads that appear when someone searches on Google, which additional campaign type would you choose?

What can you learn from attribution reports?

Which best describes the relationship between maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bids and Ad Rank?

You’re tracking conversions in a budget-constrained campaign. If you raise cost-per-click (CPC) bids within the budget constraint, which result is most likely?

Your client's product costs US$50 to produce, and it sells for US$150. She's sold 10 units and spent US$700 on her AdWords campaign. How would you calculate her return on investment (ROI) to help her understand the benefit of using AdWords?

Executives at a small e-commerce company are debating AdWords performance metrics. If the budget is unlimited as long as return on investment (ROI) is positive, which recommendation best positions the company for maximum profit?

An advertiser selling computer monitors is writing new ad text for an existing ad group. Which meets AdWords editorial and professional requirements?

High quality ratings for an ad can?

Friday 21 April 2017

Which is the best bidding option for an advertiser who wants to drive more clicks from mobile devices?

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Target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding can help drive conversions by using your conversion history and?

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Higher Quality Scores typically result in?

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You sell autographed sports memorabilia and want to reach people interested in sports. What's one benefit of promoting your products with a ads in mobile apps campaign on the Display Network?

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On the Display Network, your ad is eligible to show on a webpage if your?

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Anne–Marie’s business goal is to generate online sales of her handmade purses. Her AdWords costs are $100 per week and she wants to know if her advertising investment is paying off. What additional information do you need in order to calculate her return on investment (ROI)?

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Which is a benefit of advertising online with Google AdWords?

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When reviewing the Search terms report for one of your client's campaigns, you notice several terms that aren't relevant to what they're advertising. How can you use this information when refining the campaign's keywords?

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Data for your client shows that more estimated total conversions are coming from mobile devices versus computers and tablets. How can you use this data to optimize your client's bidding strategy?

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How do cost-per-click (CPC) ads compete with cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) ads on the Display Network?

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An advertiser looking to drive conversions is using manual cost–per–click (CPC) bidding. Which factor should be most important for this advertiser when deciding keyword bids?

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When building a keyword list for a Display Network campaign, you should do which of the following?

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An advertiser should group their campaigns by?

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Each campaign in your AdWords account should have a single?

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Keyword Planner can help you build a new Search Network campaign by?

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If you'd like your ads to show on certain sites across the Internet, you can add these websites as?

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Every time your ad is eligible to show, AdWords calculates its Ad Rank using your bid amount, components of Quality Score, and?

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Research for a client who owns used car dealerships shows that people who visit his website also visit certain popular car blogs. Which targeting method would you use to reach these people?

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You signed 3 new clients, each with an existing AdWords account. What's the best way to manage these accounts?

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You would choose to advertise on the Search Network if you wanted to?

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Your client gets more conversions from ads that appear to people in Tokyo. What actions should you take to try and increase the number of conversions for this client?

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When choosing a maximum cost–per–click (max. CPC) bid, you should consider the amount that you make from a purchase because you want to set a bid amount that's?

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What’s a reason to use the “Search Network with Display Select” campaign type?

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Clyde wants to raise the profile of his dance school. A “Display Network only” campaign can help him?

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Which strategy should Giorgio use to increase the number of relevant clicks from his Search Network campaign?

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Using the paid & organic report for her travel website, Karen noticed a relatively high organic clicks/query rate for the search query “Hawaii vacations." What does this mean?

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How can you see if people are searching for your client's services during the early morning and evening hours?

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A standard AdWords text ad is made up of?

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You want to generate leads with your AdWords campaign by encouraging people to fill out an interest form on your website. What do you need to know to measure return on investment (ROI) for this campaign?

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What's one of the main benefits of using ad extensions?

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Caleb owns a music store and is creating an ad group for musical instrument rentals. What would be the most appropriate landing page for his ad?

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An advertiser wants to achieve the top position in paid search results. Which recommendations would improve the likelihood of the advertiser's ad showing in the top position?

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Your client wants to improve her ad position. What would you recommend?

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What happens as a result of a search campaign consistently meeting its daily budget?

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Tony travels frequently. He needs to be able to make changes to his AdWords account while he’s offline, so he downloads AdWords Editor. Using AdWords Editor, Tony can do all of the following except?

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An e-commerce client wants her campaign to be more profitable. After calculating this client's total profits from AdWords, what can you do to start maximizing results for profit?

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Your client wants to show ads to people who’ve visited her website before. Which AdWords feature would you recommend she use?

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When setting up a campaign, you can use Display Planner to get an idea of the budget and bids you should set based on your?

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Donna sells t–shirts featuring vintage album covers. She wants people searching for unusual t–shirts to find her website, but she also thinks people interested in music might make a purchase. What campaign type would you recommend?

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What happens when a campaign consistently meets its average daily budget?

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Belinda’s boutique just started carrying 3 new designer labels. She wants to show an image ad announcing the new collections to people who are browsing websites about designer clothing. Which campaign type is a good fit?

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Belinda’s boutique just started carrying 3 new designer labels. She wants to show an image ad announcing the new collections to people who are browsing websites about designer clothing. Which campaign type is a good fit?

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Advertising on TV, print, and radio typically requires a predetermined budget. What key difference with online advertising campaigns allow advertisers to invest with more flexibility?

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When creating a keyword list using broad match, why should you leave out misspellings and plural forms of keywords?

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When creating a keyword list using broad match, why should you leave out misspellings and plural forms of keywords?

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Julian wants to reach potential customers based on the type of device they're using, but he doesn't know how his campaign performs on different devices. How can Julian find meaningful data that will help him decide which devices to target?

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Julian wants to reach potential customers based on the type of device they're using, but he doesn't know how his campaign performs on different devices. How can Julian find meaningful data that will help him decide which devices to target?

Which of these metrics is especially important to clients who are running a branding campaign?

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You can use Display Planner to?

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Your client’s campaign is getting a lot of clicks, but the conversion rate is low. Which approach could help improve your client’s conversion rate?

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You can use Keyword Planner to identify?

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Your client noticed that his ad was disapproved for editorial reasons. Why is it important for him to understand and abide by Google’s advertising policies?

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Your client noticed that his ad was disapproved for editorial reasons. Why is it important for him to understand and abide by Google’s advertising policies?

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Which client would you advise to use radius targeting?

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One of your clients wants to know why a campaign went over the specified daily budget several days in a row. What would you explain to your client about how the AdWords system works?

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Data shows that the audience for a client's running shoe store is women ages 35 to 50. How can you optimize this client's Display Network campaign based on your research?

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Tom wants to promote his windshield repair company’s emergency service by reaching people when they’re searching for help. Which campaign type is a good fit?

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When reviewing your client's Search Network campaign, you notice that an ad in one of the ad groups has a lower average position. Which automated bid strategy should you use to help improve the position of these ads?

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What does "converted clicks" measure?

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When setting up a Search Network campaign for a client, you want her ad to get as many clicks as possible within her budget. Which bid strategy should you use to achieve this goal?

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Nadia manages a local gym and is running an ad to drive more free trial memberships. What could she include in her ad text?

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Your client's campaign is consistently meeting its average daily budget. What should you do to maximize your client's budget throughout all hours of the day?

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Conversion tracking helps you improve the return on investment (ROI) from your online advertising because it?

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In order to appeal to customers on mobile devices, it's important to?

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Your new client's AdWords account has one campaign with one ad group that contains a list of hundreds of keywords. Which best practice should you follow when re–organizing this client's keywords?

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All other things being equal, if you've set a maximum cost–per–click (max. CPC) bid of USD $1 for your ads, and if the next most competitive bid is USD $0.50 for the same ad position, what is the actual amount you'd pay for that click?

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If you want to direct people to specific pages on your website from your ad, you can create an ad that uses?

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By monitoring ad campaign performance, an advertiser may obtain the information needed to?

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When someone clicks your ad, the actual amount you're charged will be?

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Blake is focused on branding and is more interested in his ads being viewed than in generating clicks. Which of these features would not be a good fit for him?

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Google Analytics can help you learn more about the behavior of your client's customers because it shows you how?

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Why should you link your client’s AdWords account to Search Console?

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What is the recommended next step if you noticed from the Search terms report that certain search terms are leading to a high number of clicks on your ads?

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Which client would you advise to advertise on the Search Network?

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Which is a benefit of advertising online?

If you are looking for all answers in pdf or looking for behalf of you using teamviewer /remote access.

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